Mission and Vision

The College mission/vision statement is the central focus and guide that underpins all that we do at the College.
Liturgical Life
Trinity Catholic College Lismore has a strong tradition as a worshipping faith community. The College community commences each day with prayer and meditation either in tutor group or College Assembly. The community also gathers to celebrate significant events in the life of the College and the Church. These inclusive and contemporary celebrations are central to the spiritual life of the College. These include:
- Commencement Mass;
- Ash Wednesday Liturgy;
- Easter Liturgy;
- Champagnat Day Liturgy;
- Naidoc Liturgy;
- Foundation Day Mass on the 15th August;
- Year 12 Graduation Liturgy and Mass;
- Nagle Liturgy; and,
- Christmas Liturgy.
Youth Ministry
Faith & Life
The College recognises the individuality of each student and supports and encourages each on their personal faith journey. The Trinity community promotes an atmosphere that witnesses to the important place faith has in life. Inspired by founding our dual Inspired by our founding dual charisms of the Marist and Presentation traditions, our College offers a range of opportunities that focus on the spiritual formation of students.
The College Mission Team, works in partnership with students, teachers and families; supporting parish and community service providers to:
Honour the Trinity Catholic College Lismore Mission Statement;
Develop and provide faith opportunities and religious experiences of students, staff and parents;
Produce young Catholic citizens who participate in life in both Word and Deed;
Foster the Catholic Identity of the school community;
Share insights in pastoral and spiritual areas;
Promote an understanding of Church and the Kingdom; and,
Develop and promote appropriate forms of collaboration among school, family and church communities.
Key Activities
On a practical level, this includes overseeing student involvement in:
- School and Parish Liturgies;
- Year Level Reflection Days;
- Year 12 Retreat;
- Year 11 Ministry Week;
- Year 9 and 10 Catholic Schools Youth Ministry Australia (CSYMA);
- Immersion Program;
- Involvement in Diocesan Youth initiatives;
- Lenten Campaign and other fundraising initiatives;
- Solidarity and Social Justice opportunities;
- Trinity Ministry Team;
- Unity Band;
- Prayer Services Community Service Programs – “In Word and Deed”;
- Parish celebrations, activities and programs; and,
- Initiation of students into the Catholic Church – Eucharist and Reconciliation and RCIY (Rite of Christian Initiation of Youth) Programs

Service Learning
Promoting Service forms an integral part of the Trinity ethos, and invites our students to listen to the stories of others and foster relationships. As a College we ask each student to be involved in the Word and Deed program by encouraging and challenging them to reach out and respond to the needs of others. Students participation in the “In Word and Deed” program exemplify the Marist and Presentation values of presence, unity, compassion and the recognition of the dignity of each and every person.

Immersion Program
Each year Trinity Catholic College Lismore offers Year 11 students the opportunity to participate in the Immersion Program both within Australia and overseas. The primary focus of our Immersion Program is a deepening relationship with others and with God. Each experience has its foundations in prayer and reflection and any work performed is secondary to the time we spend with individuals in their environment.
Reflections of students and staff involved in the program indicate a deepening of connection and relationships with the communities we visit as well as a greater awareness of their place in the wider world. It is our intention, that where possible, each Immersion destination connects with the ministries of our founding charisms of Marist and Presentation. It is through this program that we build on our students understanding of what it means to be a part of the global Catholic community.
"Community gets involved by word and deed in people’s daily lives; it bridges distances and embraces human life" – Pope Francis Evangelii Gaugium
Trinity Prayer
Giver of life and love,
You are our first teacher and guide.
Lead us in your path so that we may have:
Clarity in our vision,
Faithfulness in our beliefs,
Selflessness in our relationships,
Courage in our decisions, and tenacity in our commitments.
For our good and the good of our school may we always:
Seek what is right
Aspire to noble goals,
Exhibit generosity,
Avoid the mediocre and mean, and walk confidently in your light.
Holy Trinity, One God,
Bless and protect us
So that we may ever be true and faithful
“In Word and Deed”